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First find the relevant purchase if you're not already there. (see below)

If a purchase has been paid for in full then click the 'Paid in Full' button, the amount, date and payment method are filled in automatically. Adjust the date and payment method if necessary. The 'Payment ID' field is intended for cheque numbers, bank references and such like.

If the payment is a part payment then simply enter the amount, date, payment method and payment ID into the 'Payments Made' box. To delete a payment line click the 'x' button to the left of the relevant line.


There are two ways of doing this from the main 'Suppliers / Purchases' page...

First method: First find the relevant supplier and then click the 'List/View Purchases' button - all purchases from this supplier will be listed. Select the relevant purchase from the list.

Second Method: Regardless of which supplier is currently being viewed click the 'List/View Purchases' button. From the list view click the 'Find All' button - all purchases from all suppliers will be listed. Select the relevant purchase from the list.

There are many more useful find and sort features in the list view...


LISTING ALL PURCHASES: To list all purchases for all suppliers simply select the 'List All' button, this button displays the total number of purchases for all suppliers combined.

FINDING A DATE RANGE: Use the 'Date Range' button to reduce the current list of purchases to those that fall within a given date range. Select the date to the left of the button and use the calendar (small icon to the right of the date) or manually type the earliest date to search for. Do the same for the latest date to search for on the right hand side of the button. Click the 'Date Range' button to perform the find.

Note: When changing the month or year on the calendar make sure you follow this by clicking on a day even if the correct day is highlighted otherwise the date in the date field won’t change.

To find ALL purchases for ALL suppliers that fall within a given date range click the 'Find All' button before clicking the 'Date Range' button.

LISTING OVERDUE PURCHASES: The 'Find All Overdue' button lists ALL overdue purchases for ALL suppliers.

PRINTING LISTS: Just click the 'Print' button. Note: If you print out lists that run onto multiple pieces of paper the totals on the top are totals for the entire list not the total for items listed on that particular piece of paper.

SORTING LISTS: A list can be sorted by Supplier, Date, Total Amount, Amount Outstanding or Status. Just click the relevant 'Sort' button in the headings bar.

VIEWING PURCHASES: To view a particular purchase simply select it from the list.

Click 'Back' to return to the main 'Supplier / Purchases' page.

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